From: $1.31

1  -  MAIN CABLE, CFMoto OEM - 5BYV-150100-A103

10  -   
FUSE (40A) , CFMoto OEM - 9CR6-103501

11  -   
BOLT M6×12, Pack of 6, CFMoto OEM - 30006-060012810 ***NLA USE 30006-060012870

Replaced by 30006-060012870

$6.54 each

Out of stock

12  -  STARTER RELAY, CFMoto OEM - 5270-150500

13  -  CABLE, STARTER MOTOR - CFMoto OEM - 5BY0-150220

14  -  CABLE, STARTER RELAY - CFMoto OEM - 5BY0-150240

15  -   
TERMINAL, CABLE - CFMoto OEM - 5SY0-151610-6000

16  -  BATTERY POSITIVE WIRE - CFMoto OEM - 5BY0-150250

17  -  NEGATIVE WIRE,BATTERY - CFMoto OEM - 5BY0-150230

18  -   
BATTERY - CFMoto OEM - 31023004


2  -  PLUG, T-BOX CONNECTOR, CFMoto OEM - CFCV-156103-2000

20  -  TIE BAND, CFMoto OEM - 7030-150005

21  -   
ZIP TIE, Pack of 6, CFMoto OEM - 8010-150003

22  -  OVERRIDE SWITCH, CFMoto OEM - 5ASV-169050-6001

23  -  RUBBER RING, T-BOX, CFMoto OEM - 6KMV-150901-B001

24  -  MODE SWITCH, CFMoto OEM - 5BWV-151800-5000

25  -  USB OUTLET SOCKET, CFMoto OEM - 9DSV-150600-6R01

26  -  POWER OUTLET SOCKET, CFMoto OEM - 9DSV-150500-6R01

27  -  FLASHER - CFMOTO OEM - 5BY0-150340

28  -  BRACKET, FLASHER - CFMoto OEM - 5BY0-030904

29  -  DIMMER SWITCH, CFMoto OEM - 5ASV-169030-6001

3  -  T-BOX, CFMoto OEM - 6NQV-150900-3001-M1

$849.99 each

Out of stock

30  -  TURN SWITCH, CFMoto OEM - 5ASV-169060-6001

31  -  2WD/4WD SWITCH, CFMoto OEM - 5BWV-151700-5000

32  -  FUSE 2A, Pack of 2, CFMoto OEM - CFCV-150010-4500

33  -   
REGULATOR - CFMoto OEM - 0800-177000-30000 *** NLA REPLACED BY 9DSV-151000-4000 ***

REPLACED BY 9DSV-151000-4000

$309.99 each

Out of stock

34  -   
BOLT M6×30, Pack of 6, CFMoto OEM - 30006-060030810

35  -  TIE BAND, BATTERY, CFMoto OEM - 7030-040910

36  -  BATTERY STRAP, CFMoto OEM - 9060-152100

37  -   
SCREW, Pack of 6, CFMoto OEM - 30006-060025810

38  -  ECU - CFMoto OEM - 5BYV-001000-A102

39  -  CAP, DIAGNOSIS CONNECTOR - CFMoto OEM - 5BY0-150305

4  -   
FUSE(5A), Pack of 2, CFMoto OEM - 8010-151301

40  -  EFI AUXILIARY CABLE, CFMoto OEM - 5BYV-150200-A102

41  -   
BOLT M6X20, Pack of 6, CFMoto OEM - 30006-060020810

$6.54 each

Out of stock

42  -  IGNITION COIL, CFMoto OEM - 018B-178000

43  -  HIGH-TENSION CABLE, CFMoto OEM - 0JYV-178000-4000

44  -   
BOLT M8X14, Pack of 6, CFMoto OEM - 30006-080014810

45  -  ELECTRIC HORN, CFMoto OEM - 6060-150600

47  -  HAZARD SWITCH, CFMoto OEM - 5ASV-169070-6001

48  -  HORN SWITCH, CFMoto OEM - 5ASV-169040-6001

5  -   
FUSE (10A), Pack of 2, CFMoto OEM - 806A-151302

6  -   
FUSE (15A), Pack of 2, CFMoto OEM - 806A-151305

7  -  RELAY, SMALL, CFMoto OEM - 5BY4-150330

8  -  AUXILIARY RELAY, CFMoto OEM - 9010-150350

9  -  25A FUSE, CFMoto OEM - 806A-151307


  • Please choose at least 1 item.
SKU: FIT12297 Category: Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

    BOLT M6×12, Pack of 6, CFMoto OEM - 30006-060012810 ***NLA USE 30006-060012870

    Weight 0.08 lbs
    Dimensions 2 × 1 × .5 in

    STARTER RELAY, CFMoto OEM - 5270-150500

    Weight 0.32 lbs
    Dimensions 2.25 × 1.5 × 2.25 in

    ZIP TIE, Pack of 6, CFMoto OEM - 8010-150003

    Weight .01 lbs
    Dimensions 9 × 3 × .25 in

    OVERRIDE SWITCH, CFMoto OEM - 5ASV-169050-6001

    Weight 0.07 lbs
    Dimensions 2 × 2 × 1.75 in

    USB OUTLET SOCKET, CFMoto OEM - 9DSV-150600-6R01

    Weight 0.19 lbs
    Dimensions 6 × 3 × 3 in

    FLASHER - CFMOTO OEM - 5BY0-150340

    Weight 0.38 lbs
    Dimensions 3.25 × 3 × 1.75 in

    BRACKET, FLASHER - CFMoto OEM - 5BY0-030904

    Weight 0.16 lbs
    Dimensions 3.75 × 3.5 × 1.75 in

    TURN SWITCH, CFMoto OEM - 5ASV-169060-6001

    Weight 0.1 lbs
    Dimensions 2.75 × 2.25 × 1.25 in

    REGULATOR - CFMoto OEM - 0800-177000-30000 *** NLA REPLACED BY 9DSV-151000-4000 ***

    Weight 1.38 lbs
    Dimensions 5.5 × 5.5 × 2.25 in

    BOLT M6×30, Pack of 6, CFMoto OEM - 30006-060030810

    Weight 0.16 lbs
    Dimensions 2 × 2 × 1.75 in

    SCREW, Pack of 6, CFMoto OEM - 30006-060025810

    Weight 0.13 lbs
    Dimensions 2 × 2 × 0.5 in

    IGNITION COIL, CFMoto OEM - 018B-178000

    Weight 0.41 lbs
    Dimensions 3 × 3 × 2.5 in

    BOLT M8X14, Pack of 6, CFMoto OEM - 30006-080014810

    Weight 0.19 lbs
    Dimensions 2 × 2 × 1 in

    ELECTRIC HORN, CFMoto OEM - 6060-150600

    Weight 0.6 lbs
    Dimensions 4.75 × 3.75 × 2 in

    HAZARD SWITCH, CFMoto OEM - 5ASV-169070-6001

    Weight 0.07 lbs
    Dimensions 2.5 × 1.75 × 0.75 in

    HORN SWITCH, CFMoto OEM - 5ASV-169040-6001

    Weight 0.1 lbs
    Dimensions 2.5 × 2.5 × 1 in

    FUSE (10A), Pack of 2, CFMoto OEM - 806A-151302

    Weight 0.07 lbs
    Dimensions 2 × 1 × 0.5 in

    FUSE (15A), Pack of 2, CFMoto OEM - 806A-151305

    Weight 0.07 lbs
    Dimensions 2 × 1 × 0.5 in

    RELAY, SMALL, CFMoto OEM - 5BY4-150330

    Weight 0.07 lbs
    Dimensions 1.5 × 1.5 × 0.5 in

    AUXILIARY RELAY, CFMoto OEM - 9010-150350

    Weight 0.07 lbs
    Dimensions 2 × 1 × 0.75 in

    25A FUSE, CFMoto OEM - 806A-151307

    Weight 0.07 lbs
    Dimensions 0.1 × 0.75 × 0.25 in